People reached through media.
Volunteer engagement in local and educational institution
Student engagement in different educational institution
CCS is working in 60 Districts all over Bangladesh.
CCS is currently working 300+ police station is all over Bangladesh.
CCS has sister concern like CYB, CCS Blood bank. CCS Digital Lab, CCS Volunteer and CCS Housing Project
We provide 100+ price PVC list to shop keeper
Youth wing of CCS, CYB is working in 40+ different educational institutions all over Bangladesh
We arrange 80+ events all over our branches.
CCS and CYB celebrated World Consumer Rights Day and World Food 60+ places all over Bangladesh in different years.
CCS and CYB arranged 19+ workshops for its volunteer in different branches.
We successfully organized 13+ conference and Seminar nationally and locally all over Bangladesh
We have taken 200+ legal initiative against consumer rights violation.
CCS published 2 research papers.
We providing consultancy to 500+ consumers who are victim of consumer rights violation.
106/A, Green Road, Farmgate
Dhaka, Bangladesh
+88 01977 453 653
Lorna Office Complex (2nd Floor)
95, New Eskaton Road
Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh
+88 01977 453 653
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