Sixteen years of research experiences in the field of governance and policy in climate and public finance, environment, climate change adaptation, climate finance, water and energy sector. Professionally, I am serving as Head of Climate Finance Governance- CFG Unit of Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) and implementing five year (2015-2019) project with the funds of US$897,435.90. Am responsible to carry out research, writing reports/paper, policy brief, civic and stakeholders' engagement, policy advocacy, administrative, financial e.g. preparing yearly action plan and budget, M&E, supervise the colleagues, join in national and international conferences/dialogue, coordinate with TI-Secretariat, Water Integrity Network., GO, NGOs and CSO like Ministry of Environment and Forest, Department of Environment, Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund, Stockholm Environmental Institute (SEI), Adaptationwatch.
Led the "Adaptation Finance Governance Standards for Bangladesh: A New Approach Piloted in Bangladesh and Maldives" in 2018, a "Whole of Governance" in Climate Finance: Developed and Developing Country Perspective focusing on Paris Agreement, contributed to Water Integrity Global Outlook 2016 (with a case study in page 01), some of articles have been published by Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press, and Journal of Development Economics. Evidence generated have contributed to the seventh five year plan (for fiscal year 2015 to fiscal year 2020) of the Government of Bangladesh to promote a whole-of-government approach for climate readiness and independent monitoring and evaluation engaging the local citizens (page 460) and developed a climate change adaptation project tracking tool to examine level of coherence, relevance, disclosures, accountability, participation of community and integrity practices of the adaptation program/project and now it is being widely used not only in Bangladesh but also in Maldives, Kenya.