Conscious Consumers Society’s mission is to strengthen consumer awareness through various social activities, taking legal initiative, training, campaign, research etc also cooperation with all about concern organization.
Vision of CCS is to establish the consumer rights, building awareness on consumer responsibility, preventing adulteration and constructing a special group of conscious consumer in the country.
The organization is committed to ensure consumer safety, strict observance of consumer right, consumer welfare, health consciousness, rule of law, transparency, accountability, impartiality.
1. To support government, authority, NGOs or any responsible person or organization or institution related consumer right and interest.
2. Increasing awareness and counseling about consumer rights with consumers, volunteers, consumer right workers and related others.
3. To organize workshop, training programs, educational program on consumer rights.
4. Finding processes of adulteration and prevention, testing systems & processes, laboratory facilities, scientific research or analyses, consumer right law, survey and many others.
5. To arrange dialogue, seminar, symposium, round table program, meet the press, workshop, rally, exhibition, human chain for creation of general awareness.
6. Opening branch, unit, camp, volunteer, familiar, friends, well-wishers, supporters, interested group or forum or community in local and abroad.
7. To provide technical guidance and equipment and coordinate with different consumer, health, welfare or similar other person or agencies.
106/A, Green Road, Farmgate
Dhaka, Bangladesh
+88 01977 453 653
Lorna Office Complex (2nd Floor)
95, New Eskaton Road
Dhaka - 1205, Bangladesh
+88 01977 453 653
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